2gabbygals's Blog

Archive for April 2010

Lila:     Sandra Bullock…OMG. That goes to show you can hide from the paparazzi. Shocker.

Beatrice:     Isn’t it cool? She is so amazing and I love that she has a very cute distraction while going through a divorce.

L:     It’s times like this for her where a distraction is needed. Good for her.

B:      I woke up today and heard it on the Today Show and the media acted like how dare she have a secret and keep something like this from us.  Meredith V.  even congratulated the rep with People Magazine for getting the interview and breaking the story.

L:     That’s where I heard it, too. Like we said before, celebrities can find privacy if they really wanted to. Just because they became famous does not mean they are not entitled to some privacy. I know some of them seek the attention, but some don’t. And those like Sandra Bullock who don’t, should not have to go to through their rough patches in public. I know I am interested, but I think we should back off.

B:      I am even more interested in how Jesse James thinks that he will one day prove to her that they can be a couple again. She will hopefully one day find her princess charming and never look back.

L:     I think Jesse James is delusional. Like Tiger, we will never look at them the same again. Both are dumba$es.

B:     I so thought he was cool at one time too, but still thought it was an unlikely combo.

Lila:     Oliver and I just had the weirdest conversation. He was telling me that all men have hair in their butt crack. Ewwwwwww. Did you know that? He said some men shampoo the hair there because otherwise they have dingleberries stuck there. I always thought that was joke. Not a fact. Did you know this about men?

Beatrice:     Yes I did know this, as there are also women who have this waxed. This is definitely a disgusting topic. Can’t help but think of all the hairy men that don’t bath down in that area. YUCK!
L:     I am just shocked by this information. I always thought it was a joke and not real. Oliver told me the men’s locker room was filled with hairy men in ALL places. Really? Women don’t have hair in their crack. So gross.
B:     How can this shock you? If people can grow hair all the way up their back it is bound to be in other places. I have spoken to my eyebrow waxing gal about her waxing experiences and places she has had to wax, and she told me that between the buns for women is actually more common than you’d realize.
L:     NOOOOO Way!!!! Women have hair there, too? I had no idea. I have not seen too many naked bodies so that is why I am shocked. I just did not think there were hair follicles there. So weird. If I told my mother, the person who asked why American women did not grow facial hair, there was hair growing there, she would just pee in her pants as she was laughing.
B:     Now you have to tell her. Look, there was a girl in my high school that had a full-blown mustache and she was not American.
L:     Oh boy. I did know a girl who shaved everyday like a man. I hate hair. I just cannot believe it grows in people’s butt crack.
B:     I saw an episode of “The Girls Next Door” where Kendra talked about bleaching that area before the wax. She stated it was the thing to do before a photo shoot. I am pretty sure this is the exact conversation I had with Brooke my waxing gal.
L:     So wrong.

Lila:     Did I tell you about my recent episode of Dawn? I ran into her in March and we talked about doing something with the girls. She said she was going to send out an e-mail, but that was two months ago. Anyway, she finally organized something and it is conveniently during her birthday month. I got kind of annoyed because she never talks to us and then conveniently does it because she wants us to celebrate her birthday. Anyway I told Elizabeth and Kayla that I did not want to partake in the birthday gift because I did not want to spend $50 on someone I do not consider as a friend anymore. Kayla was nice enough to tell me that they will take her out separately for her birthday. Do you think I was in the wrong for this?

Beatrice:     No, you are not in the wrong. It is not like you were that close with her to begin with, or at least that is how I saw it. Dawn is a strange girl, she is a chameleon. I knew her 10 years ago and she was totally with it, then she comes back from Boston and weirdo is all I can say. She doesn’t really care to be your friend, and seems to always be out of it when you are with her, so why bother.

L:     I know. That’s what I told myself. She is a superficial friend: a person who is a friend when it is convenient for her. But at the same time, I feel like I should not give up on her. We are on such different wavelengths, but I hate to give up. I am one of those people who does not have a lot of friends. I cherish every few ones that I have. I know a lot of people come and go in my life, but when it comes to my true friends, we just pick up where we left off. But I hate giving up.

B:     As I have gotten older, I don’t try as hard. I tend to make friends easily, but I don’t go out of my way anymore. I have realized that even some of my once called really good friends have ups and downs and I just roll with it. What I focus on now is whether or not the person are good for me. If it is toxic, I don’t partake.

L:     I don’t think it is toxic. I just think it is fake and do not have time for fake.

B:     That is toxic to me, why do you have to wonder if she is being authentic or fake. If you have to put too much into it, then it isn’t worth the effort. Look what she did to her ex fiance. She has some major issues.

L:     I know you are right. I was just checking to see if I made the right decision.

Beatrice:      So Saturday night was date night for hubby and I. We went to dinner and to see the movie “Date Night.” We don’t go on many dates, but we plan to change that. We had a really good night, and the date didn’t feel awkward or should I say we didn’t feel like strangers. I remember when we went on a date after a year of having Brody, we both just stared at each other. I remember talking to Ann about this and she said that she has had the same experience. I think it is a reminder to all married couples that have children, that you have to spend quality time with your spouse, and alone time. We don’t want to have the kids go off to college and then we look at each other and go who are you.

Lila:     Oliver and I go out on a lot of date nights lately. We have one scheduled for the 7th. I guess we did not wait that long compared to other couples, so it did not feel weird when we went out. Sometimes we go to the movies. Sometimes we just have dinner. It’s fun. Things will never be like before we had Thomas, but it’s nice to have a time with him. To be honest, we do a lot to spend time together. He is my life partner.

B:     I think this whole layoff thing with Toolman has really shed some light on a lot of things. We have always spent a lot of time together, but not alone. He was not the nicest person to be around this past 6 months and there were many of times I would lose it on him and tell him things needed to change or we will have major major issues. He was just really short with everyone and angry all the time. I had no idea it was all because of things going on at work. Literally the weekend before he was laid off, I told him he better figure out what is wrong with his moods because I wasn’t going to put up with it. He then gets laid off and his whole demeanor went back to himself. We go out ona  date and it becomes evident that there was a lot more going on at work than I realized. I knew he was really unhappy with work, but it appears to be a blessing that they released him. He and I had a heart to heart and he said all of this opened his eyes to what he will never go thru again.

L:     It’s amazing how something will really change you. Obviously in this case, it was for the better. I know having a long-term relationship requires a lot of work. You get comfortable with each other and you do things you do not even realize that you are doing. I am glad that you guys got a chance to talk it out. Things like that can eventually break up a couple.

One of the things we do is make sure Thomas goes to bed at a decent hour so that we can have time for each other. It works really well because we get to stop for a few hours and enjoy each other. For example, on Saturday we had wine and cheese and good conversation.

B:     That use to work for us too, but our children are at the ages where they have every excuse in the book to not go to bed. I have to go to the bathroom, now I am hungry, and oh now I need to brush my teeth and Mom I am thirsty now. Never ending. So our bedtimes get pushed further and further out just to have “us” time. We have decided to take a Friday or Saturday, every other weekend to have a date night.

When I was young my parents went out every single weekend, on a Friday and they made it fun for us too, so we didn’t feel like we were being dumped off with the babysitter. They have been married since August of 1969, and obviously doing something right.

L:     Thomas is getting there. He tries to protest and whines a bit, but we just shut him down. I am hoping he will not begin to protest to badly. Yikes.

My parents were not very loving so they never went out. My brother and his wife never go out with just each other. I think they took their first trip away from the kids last August after 11 years or something. Oliver and I are planning to go to Europe for his 40th birthday. We promised each other that our lives will not be just about Thomas.

B:     I think it is healthy for the kids to see you are still loving and want to be with each other. I know I never questioned my parents love for one another. They weren’t the touchy feely couple, but they respected each other and showed their love in other ways. Brody was so excited that his parents were going on a date night, which made us laugh.

L:     Ahhh…cute. Thomas loves it when we kiss. He loves it when we do “group hugs.”

B:     As do our kids. Although Toolman always says I am his mommy not theirs and they get all worked up. Of course it is all in fun.

Lila:      We need something to talk about. I am soooo out of ideas.

Beatrice:     We can discuss: the immigration legislation passed in AZ,  or how my manager just asked me what I thought about the draft (was humorous). 

L:     I sent you something but we can do this as well. I know nothing about the draft. I don’t understand why some people hate the Tim Tebow pick and some think it is a good choice.

B:     I think he is hot.  Which is what I told my manager too.

L:    Really? REALLY?! I think he is funny looking.

B:    No way, he is hot.

L:    He’s got a funny nose. I think he is better than Orton, but he ain’t no Tom Brady.

B:    He is perfect to me.

L:     Okay…. I don’t see it, but okay.

B:    Like the all American boy.  Ha ha

L:     I guess he is not my version of the “All American boy.” Looks like a big meathead to me.

B:     I only said that because that is what was written about him.  By the way I have always been into the meatheads.  I would say that is Toolman, but he is actually smart.  🙂

L:     Oh, okay. Do you really like him though?

B:    Yes

L:     Alright. Then I will remember to not make fun of him and his looks around you.

B:     What would you have to say about him?  I only think he is good looking, could care less about the rest of him.

L:     I would make fun of his looks. Hee hee.

B:     I am so glad we now have a photo of him on the blog.

L:     Haha. Why?

B:     Because I love him.

L:     Ha ha…NO!!!! You do not!

B:     It is funny. I have to tell you that I was reading this to Toolman just now, and I told him that I am attracted to meatheads, and how I married one.  He said, “OMG you think I look like a meathead,” and I laughed.  He immediately let me go.

L:     He had to have known he looks like it on the outside. He totally isn’t a meathead though. Maybe a superficial meathead.

B:     Believe me I tried telling him that he is not a meathead inside, just appears to be on the outside.  He said whatever and laughed at me.


Lila:     I just watched the second Eclipse trailer again and I cannot wait to see it in the theaters. I love how the three movies are so different because of the three directors. Just like the movies, I love how the two trailers for Eclipse are so different.

In the first one, the trailer was focused on the love triangle. The colors were warm and the sceneries were pretty. In this second trailer, the focus is on the battle and it looks ominous. I really love the action stuff. I love how Alice flips over the werewolf. I love that Jasper is so intense. I love the running the forest. And most of all, I love the darkness around the movie. I cannot wait!!!

Beatrice:     Wouldn’t it have been great to be part of the pre-screening on this movie. Wish we could go to the premier. Again we are obsessed.

L:     But just like a few months ago, we still don’t know anyone who can get us there. Your brother is the closest person we know to a celebrity. What can we do to get him to get us in? I want to go so badly.

B:     He is not connected to anything Twilight and pretty sure he would take Grace. When I first watched the clip I could not figure out who these people could be walking up out of the water. I so need to reread the books to refresh my brain. I love the wolves and how big and strong they look. June 30th is not that far away.

L:      OMG! What do you remember about Eclipse? LOL. They are the newborns. They did not walk out of the water, but there were a lot of them. I cannot wait to see how they are going to show the communication between the werewolves. That should be interesting.

B:      I remember the scene in the book where they consummate their marriage. I remember the tent scene, the marriage, and pretty much anything to do with love. The newborn vampire parts were not why I loved the series, and pretty well read quickly thru those areas, much like I did with the Volturi scenes.

L:     Eclipse was not my favorite book because like you, I loved the love parts. I just know I spent the whole book annoyed with Jacob. But we already covered why. I am still so excited to see the movie in June.

B:     Yes, Eclipse was a long book, but I still wanted more.

Watch the Lane Bryant video here.

Beatrice:     The model looks amazing, but Fox and ABC do not want to air the commercial as it is deemed to sexy. PAAAALEEEEZZZZZZ.

Lila:     Is she really that big? I think not. So she is not smaller than a size four, does not mean she is too big for TV. It’s our Christina Hendricks argument all over again. Shame on you ABC and Fox.

B:     Maybe it proves a point that this so called plus size woman is tooooo sexy for their show. She caught my attention, and I thought wow, now that is a beautiful women. Most people will think so too. The A-hole(s) that are dictating what can be aired are probably salivating when watching the commercial much like they do when watching rated R material and therefore they deem it as too risky.

L:     Well, I think the Victoria Secrets commercial are pretty sexy. Girls dancing around in their underwear. Close-up of boobies. That’s pretty risqué. I think maybe they want the controversy of not airing the commercial. I just think there are a lot of inappropriate things on TV. Pamela Anderson wearing almost nothing and gyrating with her partner is one. But they’re not banning it.

B:     Oh I totally agree, and can’t figure it all out. I just asked Toolman who he’d prefer on the television and he totally knew what we were discussing. He said hands down the woman in her bra who looked to be a size double D and killer body. I seriously doubt the two networks would be getting any complaints.

L:     I am sure they get complaints about everything. People always find something to complain about.

Lila:     Are you going to watch the last season of The Hills? I am guessing yes. It is our little sinful treat. I know it is all fake, but I can’t help myself.

Beatrice:     I am sure I will. The last two seasons I had to watch on the computer since I was still at work when it aired. The show is a soap opera. It is amazing to see how different they are now compared to the beginning of the series. These young twenty year olds and all the plastic that makes them up.

L:     And yet we still watch the show. I don’t know why I do it. The whole thing is set up and the people are terrible actors. I guess people are over them that’s why it is the last season. Can you believe the amount of money they make? It’s shocking.

B:     It is kind of like a Melrose Place, but in a semi-reality format. I think the stars of the show are wanting to do more than just the Hills, so the Hills will end on a high note with regards to ratings anyway. I think MTV is ready for some fresh shows. It is hard to believe we use to watch MTV for the music videos, and now it is a reality junkie station. The next big hit for them is New Jersey Shore.

L:     I think when Laguna Hills came out, it was really interesting. I think the kids were pretty real back then. Now you have Speidi, who we love to hate, yet we continue to tune in.

B:     Yes, Heidi has some major issues. She seemed the most put together and confident when the show first came out, but once she went to Spencer she became a totally different person. I wonder what her mom thinks?

L:      MTV does a great job picking out young, good-looking people, who seem put together on the outside, but a complete mess on the inside. They are always at an age where they have not figured out who they are and we get to watch them as the morph into someone who is even more insecure. I mean what fun would it be to watch a person who knows who they are and tackles problems in a reasonable manner? They purposely pick out people with substance abuse problems, emotional problems, etc. Just like the casting agents of The Amazing Race like to pick out people who are sheltered, but think they know the ways of the world. It’s more interesting.

B:      It would be more fun being the camera crew on the shows. Capturing train wrecks and getting paid for it.

L:  Speaking of Speidi, I cannot get over her stone-faced look. That is one insecure girl.

Beatrice:     So today I read about a woman who had triplets, but while giving birth to them, she suffered some major problems which has left her pretty well a vegetable. The husband divorced her a year later and has been raising the children alone. The children are now 4 and have never been around their mother. The grandparents and parents of this lady are fighting for her to have visitation rights, which is now a legal battle. The ex-husband does not want the kids around her because he says that he is not prepared to tell the children what happened to their mom. So terribly sad! She basically gave her life to have these children and now has no rights.

Lila:     I read the same article on CNN. It’s so sad. It would be my nightmare to have my child taken away from me. If she has some understanding of her environment, then she should be able to see her children. If her parents want to see the children, they should have the right to see them. They are not malicious people who want to do them harm. They just want to be a part of their lives. They want their grandchildren to meet their mother. I see no harm in that. I think the father is being selfish because he does not know how to explain his kids. What is he really afraid of?

B:     It sounded as though he did not want that burden in his life. Till death do us part, in sickness and in poorer, meant something different for him.

L:     I am having a hard time, seeing it from his view. I want to believe he had some good reason, but I can’t. Maybe all he wants to do is give the kids a normal life. Maybe he had another life. I would think the kids would eventually want to know about their real mother.

B:     Yes, what he is doing is hard to understand. This may backfire on him down the road, with the kids thinking he did the wrong thing and they may resent him. It is interesting how her parents described the husband and wife’s romance, as being a worldwind. He just seems either really hurt and can’t deal with her as an invalid or he can’t be inconvenienced by her. She is even paying child support out of the malpractice money they won in court. I believe he should be denied support since he wants nothing to do with her. The grandparents can put the money in a trust fund for the children, to be given when they are adults.

L:     The child support is something I do not understand at all. The truth is we do know how we will react in times of tragedy. Sadness will drive us to do some crazy, unreasonable things.

B:     Yes, look at all the families torn apart after one family member dies, and the fight over the money and personal items begin.


Lila:     One of the times I hate the most was when I was a teenager. Awkward, pimply, insecure. What a horrible time. I cannot even imagine having to be a teenager now with all the stimuli set up around them. Heaven forbid they do not have the same things their friends have, like a cool iPod or stylish clothes. It seems like they are hounded by all sorts of things and all they want to do is fit in. That Phoebe Prince case is so sad to me. The girl was taunted so badly that she felt the only way out was to kill herself. Why didn’t anybody step in? Why couldn’t they stop the harassment? That is one beautiful life that is lost. Makes me fearful for Thomas.

Beatrice:     It is shocking to me that someone would go to the extreme of ending their life. I had an easy childhood and teenage life where I was oblivious to people being teased and bullied. I never saw it happen and I never would have thought to do this. I do remember a group of “mean girls” in junior high and they were ostracized so badly that their antics backfired on them, and they eventually had no one including each other.

Toolman and I, talk about this all the time and how people are not raising their children with empathy, but instead with entitlement. If my children come home being bullied, I would go to the end of the earth to protect them.

L:     That’s because you fit in. I tried so hard to fit in and the truth is I am different. I was never harassed or anything, but being a teenager was so hard. I remember going on a trip once in HS, and there was a boy, who was scrawny and quiet, who was taunted on the whole trip. It was awful. They accused him of doing nasty things with his cat. I know everyone on the bus laughed, but I kept thinking to myself, please stop. The poor kid left the school after that incident.

I wish I was strong enough to tell them to stop. I hope my son grows up to never treat people like that and more importantly, be able to intervene.

B:     That is so sad! I know it happens, because you hear all the media reports on it. It is our job to teach our kids that it is unacceptable, and it starts at a very very young age.  Brody, E’claire and I, were in a Target a few weeks ago, when a man walked by who was a little person. Brody stared at him, turned as he walked by and started to laugh. He went on and on about how that man was funny because he was so short like a kid. I was completely shocked that Brody would do that, because he use to never notice differences. I laid into him and made a point to tell him that he should not make jokes, poke fun or laugh at people who have differences from the norm. He actually tried to argue with me over why he thought it was funny. Needless to say we had a big discussion about it. I did not let it go, and will not be quiet when something like this happens. It is our job as parents to give our children the tools to do right.

L:     It is so hard because they are reacting the way people will naturally react. I think we have to start at a very young age to teach them about people and how everyone is different.

I look at people and I can tell who was picked on and who wasn’t. For example, I know Oliver was a bully. He has told me about some of the things they’ve done and he thinks they are just funny jokes. I told him once you bug someone repeatedly, you are bullying them. Kids at that age need help in expressing themselves. They have not found their voice. You keeping shutting them down and that’s when you have kids with real emotional problems. I hate bullies.

B:     Bullying is no joke, that is for sure. My husband’s sister was basically bragging that her cousin (the one she thinks is her daughter) is a bully. I think bullies are really insecure people, and often times they grow up still being a bully into adult life. You can see it. My husband was always the big kid, and once sports mattered in school everyone wanted to be his best friend. He is a gentle giant, and often goes out of his way to stick up for the underdog. That is what I fell in love with him the most, and I know he won’t put up with any crap from our kids or if they think they are going to give it, he will shut them down.

I am happy those bullies that caused Phoebe Prince’s death are being prosecuted. This is what needs to happen so other kids will rethink what they think is cool by being a follower with the rest of the bullies. Bullying = Coward!

L:     Phoebe Prince was not the only incident. The Columbine boys were bullied and it led them to do something super tragic. We had that one mom who pretended to be a random kid, to bully another kid. That girl killed herself. This constant taunting cause kids to be depressed, which leads them to take antidepressants. How does this all stop?

B:     I don’t think it will ever completely stop. You have parents who were bullies raising bullies. It appears to have become more extreme, and like we talked about on day one of our blog, it comes in all forms now. Cyber bullying is also new and if law enforcement and laws get created and passed to put a stop to it and punish these people then it will become less and less of an issue. We are all accountable to help put a stop to it.

L:     Here here, sister!!! To protect their innocence and well-being of our children!

Having Coffee
